Search records + edit tags and support scores AND mobile view

In one of the most impactful updates to RunningMate so far, the Civitech team is thrilled to bring users the ability to search for individuals and update support scores and data tags from within the platform. This update:

  1. Allows users to search for an individual by name or address. 
  2. Update their Support Scores and Tags at an individual record level, as opposed to updating scores and tags via importing a CSV. 
  3. Tag creation at the organization level, allowing data managers, admins, and hosts to create tags for the volunteers to use while canvassing or making contact with people in the field. 
  4. NEW Mobile-optimized view! This current mobile version allows users to search a name or address on mobile, then view that person's registration status, party registration, partisanship lean, etc. and then update the person’s Support Scores and Data Tags! 

This is the mobile view, after searching for an individual.

Below is a more detailed description of the features included in the Search and Edit records update. 

Search and Edit in RunningMate

We’re excited to announce the new Search Individuals feature, designed to make your experience more efficient and user-friendly. This feature not only allows you to search for individuals but also enables you to add or update support scores and manage data tags for individual targets. You can access the search feature easily from the side navigation bar.

Search Individuals will appear on the lefthand panel for users on computers and larger devices.

Roles That Can Access Search and Edit

The following roles will have access to the search and edit feature:

  • Owner
  • Admin
  • Data Manager
  • Volunteer
    • Can access search and edit and have same permissions as data viewers 
    • Will not be able to bulk import data

Search Results and Editing

Search Criteria 

  • Searches against name or address 

List View

  • Users can click into an individual to see additional information and to add/edit support score and/or data tags 

Map View

  • Results will also be represented on the map as household markers
  • Clicking on a map marker will update the results list view
  • For markers with 2+ targets, a user can click on the marker to see the list of targets at that marker
    • Users can then select a specific target to see more information for that target and add/edit their support score and/or data tags. 

Mobile View for Search and Edit 

With this release a user going to RunningMate on their mobile device will be directed to the Search and Edit feature. Users will not be able to access any other RunningMate features outside of Search and Edit on mobile at this time. 

The first iteration of the mobile view:

  • Will not contain a map. The map view will be built in a subsequent version soon after. 
  • For state view users will not be able to drill down into specific geographies. When performing a search it will search against the entire state. 
    • We will address the ability for users to drill down into more specific geographies while doing a search in a subsequent version

Tag Management 

In order to keep the data clean we:

  • Limited the ability to apply tags on the individual level to existing tags only
    • This means the tag needs to exist in the Customer account already to be applied, and volunteers cannot create new tags 
  • Limited the ability to create tags to certain roles
    • Owners, admins, and data managers are able to create tags through import or through the Tag Management feature 

The Tag Management feature can be accessed by owners, admins, and data managers through the Data Management view. 

These users will be able to:

  • Add tags that can be applied to individual targets
  • Delete tags. Deleting a tag will also delete all its associations with targets meaning any targets with that deleted tag will no longer have the tag. 
    • You can create a tag with the same text as a deleted tag and it will be treated as a new tag. Any previous associations with targets will not be restored.
  • View a complete list of tags in their Customer account that comprises of tags that came through import and created through Tag Management 

Note: With this update the platform loosened up validation requirements to accept additional special characters and spaces. 

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