Finding Election Data to use in Goal Tracker

In order to add similar election data into Goal Tracker, you’ll first need to find that historical data. 

The best resource for finding election data will be your state’s SOS website and your local elections department. Because the data reported to the SOS varies by state, users may need to pull the data from their local elections department.  If it is not available online, you may need to call to ask them to send the data to you. 

Data needed for Goal Tracker:

  • Total voter turnout
  • Total registered voters

Users can add data from a minimum of one previous election cycle into Goal Tracker, but we recommend putting in data for the three past elections for your seat. This will allow Goal Tracker to better calculate the potential voter turnout in the upcoming race.

Video walkthrough of this process is at the bottom of the page. The written explanation is below.

Example from the Texas SOS: 

While you may not live in Texas, the search for this election data will likely involve a similar process. Navigate to the Secretary of State’s website, and click Elections and Voting. Click Elections Results (2019-Present). Then, make sure to click on Historical Election Results.

From there, navigate to the elections you need to gather data from. In the below example, that is the General Election in 2022 and 2020. 

Walkthrough: How to find Election Data

The process will be very similar in your state. The important thing is that you gather the voter turnout and the total number of registered voters in past races for this seat.

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