Importing Your Support Scores and Data Tags into RunningMate

RunningMate users can now export a csv from the platform, fill in support scores and data tags in that file, and then import that file back into RunningMate. Upon successful import, users will be able to filter on support scores and data tags. They will also see their goals in Goal Tracker reflect the imported support scores.

This will be done in three steps: 

  1. Export your list from RunningMate by selecting Download Voter File for Outreach.
  2. Add support scores or custom data tags to the new_support_score column.
  3. Import the csv back into RunningMate via the Data Management screen.

Video walkthrough of this process is at the bottom of the page. The written explanation is below.

Users can also now search for individual records by address or name, then update support scores and data tags associated with that person. Support article here.


  • There are two export options available:
    1. Download voter file 
      • This contains all information available as well as current support scores and tags, if a target contains this data 
    2. Download voter file for outreach 
      • This contains name, basic demographic information, party registration, registration status, and new columns for users to view the previous imported support score and to record new support scores and tags. 
      • New columns: 
        • current_support_score
          • Displays the last known support score that was imported into RM
            • We store in the database all the support scores imported but only display the last imported score in the UI and in the csv
        • new_support_score
          • This is where the user will record the support scores they want to import into RM
        • new_tag_1
          • Each new tag column can only contain 1 tag
        • new_tag_2
        • new_tag_3
        • new_tag_4
        • new_tag_5
        • current_tags
          • Displays previously imported data tags. If a target has multiple tags, they will be comma separated.

What to do with the “Download voter file for outreach” export?

Users should record support scores in the “new_support_score” column. Valid entries are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 0. See support score scale below for definitions.  

Support Score Scale

  • 1: Strong Support
  • 2: Lean Support
  • 3: Undecided
  • 4: Lean Oppose
  • 5: Strong Oppose
  • 0: logs a blank value

If a user accidentally logs an incorrect support score and wants to clear out a support score for a record, they can put 0 in the new_support_score column and it will log a blank value 

Users can also record custom tags for a target. Tags can be: 

  • Custom based on the user’s needs, so long as they meet the formatting requirements
  • Numbers and letters
    • Tags are not case sensitive, and letters will be saved as lowercase
  • Contain the following special characters
    • _ (Underscore)
    • - (Dash)
    • : (Colon)
  • Tags cannot contain spaces
  • Each new_tag_”#” column should only contain 1 data tag for that individual
  • Note: Users will not be able to remove tags from a target in this first version 

Things to Note About the Export File 

  • The following two columns are required columns to be able to import into RM 
    • ID
      • Do not edit the IDs, otherwise we won’t be able to match the record in RM 
    • new_support _score 
  • All other columns can be deleted with no impact to the import 
  • Blank values in the new_support_score or new_tag_”#” columns are skipped and no update is made to that record 
  • If a row in the CSV contains any error, the entire row will not be imported. For example, 
    • If a row contains an invalid support score but valid data tags, the row will be skipped during import and the data tags will not be imported. 
  • Activity Log Status Definitions: 
    • Canceled
      • The import was canceled by the user on the Analyzer Results screen
    • Complete 
      • Import successfully completed and user can explore the data via filters 
    • Error 
      • There was an error after user submitted their file for import (user went through the entire workflow and submitted the import for processing) 
      • User can try again and if issue persists, Civitech will need to look into the issue 
      • If an import results in an error, no data from the csv will be imported 


To access the import workflow navigate to Data Management via the side menu.

  • You will be presented with an Activity Log that shows all the previous import attempts made 
  • Click “+Import” button to start the import workflow
    • First screen will have instructions and guidance for users
    • Second screen will show user the File Upload Requirements
      • File must be a CSV
      • File must contain ID column and new_support_score column 
    • Third screen is a preview of their file where users can spot-check the file for errors
      • The first 10 rows of the file are displayed in the preview
      • User can back out here by clicking “Cancel”
    • Fourth screen is the Analyzer Results screen
      • Shows user a summary of their import: 
        • # of records match/not matched
        • # new survey response that will be imported
        • # of records with invalid support scores that will not be imported  
        • # of valid tags that will be imported
        • # of invalid tags that will not be imported 
      • User will be able to download a file that contains the errors from the imported file 
      • User can back out, which would result in a import attempt logged in the Activity Log with a “Canceled” status OR they can proceed with the import
      • This is the last step before the import starts running/processing 
    • Fifth and final screen is a confirmation that the upload is complete 

Import Notes

  • Users will be able to decide if they want to continue with their import despite having some errors
    • E.g. The file uploaded contains 100 records and 5 records have data that is causing an error. User can:
      1. Cancel the import, adjust their csv file, and try the import again OR
      2. Proceed to import the 95 records. User will have the opportunity to download an error file that contains information about the errors 
        • Can be downloaded from the Analyzer Screen or Import Activity Log 
  • Any import canceled at the Analyzer Results screen will be logged in the Activity Log with a canceled status
    • Any import canceled before the Analyzer Results screen will not be logged in the Activity Log 
  • All other data in the csv that is not the ID, new_support_score, or new_tag_”#” columns will be ignored during import 
  • If user navigates away from the import workflow their work will be lost and they will need to start the import workflow over 
  • File size is limited to 32 MB.

Once user imports their Support Score data into RM:

  • They will be able to filter on it via the Survey Responses > Support Score filter 
  • Support scores will display in the Target Info Panel for targets that have a support score
  • Users will see their goals in Goal Tracker reflect the Support Scores that have been imported

Once a user imports Data Tags into RM:

  • They will be able to filter on data tags via the Tags filter
  • User has 3 options for filtering: 
    • Include - Any target with the selected data tag(s) will be included in the results
    • Exclude - Any target with the selected data tag(s) will not be included in the results 
    • No Tags - When selected will include targets with no tags. When deselected will include targets with tags.
  • Example of the filter: 

  • Tags will display in the Target Info Panel for targets that have tags, and when selected they will appear on the map

Visit this article to learn about Importing Data from Other Sources into RunningMate. Visit Using Goal Tracker to learn more about setting and tracking your campaign goals.

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